Friday, August 7

End & Beginning / Fin & Début

Finally I was able to finish my small messenger bag that is also my gift to one my friends in India. I am sure she will be very happy to be owner of this cutie colorful little bag. She drives a small scooter so that will be very easy for her to carry it when she is riding her horse on wild Indian roads. No, she does not live in a forest but traffic is wild on city roads. You have to be very brave to drive there. I have also chosen the fabric for the Birdie sling and started working on it. The combination is quite classic a white-black Ikea fabric with black handles. Wish me luck! I don't know if I will be able to finish it before we leave.
Enfin, j'ai pu finir mon petit sac qui est aussi mon cadeau pour l'une de mes copines en Inde. Je suis sûr qu'elle sera très heureuse d'avoir ce mignon petit sac très coloré. Elle conduit un petit scooter et ce sera très facile pour elle de le porter quand elle monte son cheval sur les routes sauvages indiennes. Non, elle n'habite pas dans une forêt, mais la circulation est sauvage sur les rues des villes. Il faut être très courageux pour conduire là-bas. J'ai aussi choisi le tissu pour le Birdie Sling et j'ai déjà commencé travailler sur celui-ci. La combinaison est assez classique un blanc-noir tissu Ikea avec poignées noires. Souhaitez-moi bonne chance! Je ne sais pas si je le finirai avant de partir.


Saniya said...

The bag is very lovely, perfect for a scooty ride.:)

Sheetal said...

Good work! I am sure Birdie Sling will be completed before you leave. Bon courage

Maria said...

What a fabulous bag! really nice and your blog too.

Morgane said...

J'attends le Birdie Sling :)

Cloth Crazy said...

You have a lovely blog full of colors.The combination you choose looks good and I can't wait to see the final result. Finish it fast!

Tany said...

What a lovely bag!

Natty said...

India has the more beautiful crafts of the world... I just love them! I am a sari addict but I don't wear them lol My uncle spent a month in Goa while a friend of us was there working (for 1 year) and he brought bags full of fabrics!!! he was stopped in airport cause they tough it was for selling lol Thank goodness it was for us :D we still have many fabrics and many clothing made with them. I will keep reading ur blog ;)

Much love from Portugal

Creative Polyglot said...

Thank you everyone for encouraging me.