Monday, March 29

Feeling Pink

I say sorry to my readers if they are still here for neglecting my blog for so long . It's not fair for those who come to visit and find nothing new. Life has become a Pandora's box, there are so many things, sometimes you find somethings that you want but not always what you need and sometimes you find nothing. Life is like that! I consider myself very lucky so I will not complain or I must say that I have stopped doing that. Still it's good to be here in this beautiful world. Last week I was in Nantes a beautiful French city and there I discovered a fabric shop 'Toto' where you can buy fabric by kilos. This lovely pink flowers fabric was a real catch.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good selection :) Doing creative things shift your mind somewhere in a different world and I beleave that GOD belongs to that world only. Just a feeling of creating something BEAUTIFUL. I love that!

Keep posting...